Photo credits: Paul Glazier


1. M. Heeneman - Trois Tourbillons (2000) *^

2 .H. Vega - Automata Angels

3. H. Vega - Izumi

4. N. Sato - Messages I (2004) *^

5. W. Bulsink - Juggling/Jongleren (2007-2008) *

6. Th. Myrmel - Hitgalut (2005) ^

7. M. Knigge - Voor de Brandweer (2004) ^

8. J. de Dios Magdaleno Gómez - Eek ‘o’ ob u tsolmubao’ob

9. B. de Vrees - Touch yourself prt. I (2008) *^

10. B. de Vrees - Nabij (2007) *

11. M. Altena - Puls (1993)

12. J. Bank - Frieze (1974)

13. T. Ichiyanagi - Portrait of forest (1983)

14. S.S. Smith - Songs I-IX (1983)

15. D.A. Almada - Linde (1994)

16. J. Brouwer - Variantes (1962)

17. I. Xenakis - Rebonds (1988)

18. Ch. Viola Oorebeek - Tempus Fugit (2012) ^

19. Ph. Glass - 1+1 (1968)

20. R. Roelofsen - Contained Activities (2014) *^

22. S. Steen-Andersen - NextToBesideBesides (2006)

23. M. Koenders - Scope (2016)*^

24. A. Lucier - Silver streetcar for the orchestra

25. B. de Vrees - Trakl, lied mit einer nicht anwesenden sangerin (solo version) (2017)

26. B. de Vrees - For flute or piano or mandolin or percussion or bassoon or guitar or   

                            violin or harp or clarinet  or..........(2017)

27. R. de Man - Case history (2002)

28. Ch. Viola Oorebeek - Edges (2008)

29. R. Roelofsen - on intimacy (2018)*^

30. N.A. Huber - Clash Music (1988)

31. J. Tenney - Having never written a note for percussion (1971)

32. T. Numan - Nachtlicht (2000)

33. S. Wollschleger - I is not me (2013)

34. Cry of this earth - Konrad Boehmer (1973/74)




                                                              PERCUSSION DUO        



1. G. Vleggaar - Come here often?* (2003)

2. M. Kagel - Rrrrr

3. J. Bus - Back to square one

4. V. Lann - American accents

5. T. de Leeuw - Music for marimba, vibraphone and  japanese templebells

6. B. Hummel - fünf szenen

7. B. de Vrees - Five pieces for percussionduo (2002)

8. W. Eisma - deux personages

9. S. Steen-Andersen - NextToBesideBesides (2006)

10. T. Ko - Breath contained

11. G. Dorokhov - Counter-exposition I

12. Vrees - Trakl, lied mit einer nicht anwesenden sangerin (duo version) (2017)

13. M. Shlomowitz - letter piece no. 5, northern cities (2008)

14. S. Reich - Clapping Music (1972)

15. Ch. Viola Oorebeek - Stolen Goods (2018) *^





                                                           PERCUSSION TRIO    



1. I. Xenakis - Okho

2. M. Hamel - Porfieren fonteinen

3. T. Takemitsu - Rain tree

4. Th. de Mey - Musique de table

5. W. Rihm - stück

6. Js. Bach/de Vrees - Ricercar á 3





                                                WITH OTHER INSTRUMENTS  



1. M. Voorvelt - Spirals ^

2. C. Arditto - new work ^

3. A. Paul - El lugar callando ^

4. G. Cellini - Tierra del Fuego ^

5. F. Sgandurra - Crónica crónica

6. B. de Vrees - Duo II

7. B. de Vrees - Posthuman Digital Neurosis (2020)

8. H. Vega - Lightcode ^



1. N.D. Rangel - new work *^

2. B. de Vrees - Wakker/slaapwandelend*


1. M. Feldman - For Philip Guston (flute, percussion, piano)

2. T. Klein - SteinHolzGummiWasser (bassclarinet, percussion)






*Written/commisioned for or by Bart de Vrees


^ first performance by Bart de Vrees